About RoadRunning.co.za

How it started and where it is going. The origin story.

But why?

This site started as an idea way back in 2015. It was born out of a frustration to find quality information on running events in one place, across the regions close to where I reside.

A website is born

At the time something like that did not exist, so I started building it from scratch in my spare time. By the end of 2016 I was ready to launch and so RoadRunning.co.za was born!

From very humble beginnings where I only focussed on races in and around Cape Town, it has grown to include all races nationally. The mission is to develop and maintain a complete directory of all road running events in South Africa.

What to look forward to

The site is constantly evolving, and new features are being added all the time. Functionality that will be improved over the next few months is a better results module. Making it easier to keep track of your own results over time.

There are also plans allow you to keep track of races you entered (cause nobody got time for remembering things) as well as allowing for ad removal for a monthly fee.

That is just the start so please watch this space.

Meet the (one man) band

Thank you for using my site and clicking on the About section to find out more about me. I'm flattered.

Name is Johan. Nice to meet you. Part time web developer, part time runner with a full-time job. (that is not running this website). Hopefully one day that dream can become a reality. Cape Town is where I call home.

Feel free to contact me should you have any suggestions or constuctive criticism. I'm always looking for oppetunities to better the user experience

Happy Running!
